May all beings be peaceful.
May all beings be happy.
May all beings be safe.
May all beings be free of suffering.
May all beings be liberated.
May all beings realize their essence and live this fully, completely and utterly!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Roses I Met in 2011... well, a few of them! 
From Spain, England & Vancouver.
I'll post more in the next little while.

This morning I did a little internet search to find a new year’s prayer. I found some lovely prayers, though, none that were ‘just right’, so I searched inside (the inner-net... ha ha).

Thank you for the year that has passed and for all the great gifts it brought ~ the beauties, the loves, the joys, the teachings, the teachers, the insights, the adventures, the laughs, the creations, the friends, the heart connections, the inspirations, the blessings, the abundance, the peace, the stillness, the grace.
May we welcome this new year with open arms, open minds, open hearts. May we be grateful for all that is given, all of it (the 'good', the 'bad'), knowing that it all serves a purpose, trusting in the essential goodness of all, and with absolute faith in the One who created us and sent us here. May we stand firm and strong on this foundation of who we are, unwavering Presence, 100% in alignment with our source, listening deeply and obeying swiftly. May we know that we have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. May the connections of the heart grow stronger with each heartbeat, and may we uncover the heart connections and nourish them where it seemed there were none. May we continue to be graced and guided and blessed and loved beyond all that we could ever imagine. 

Happiest of New Years!


  1. YES! YES! YES!
    Thank you, LOVE


  2. Thank you for such a lovely greeting – a prayer that says it all!
    Happy 2012!!!

  3. Yay! I'm happy you're enjoying it, Erin!
    Thanks for saying 'hi'!
    Happiest of new years to you!
